Wednesday 27 March 2013

Wargaming and stuff

So this will be a blog about wargaming... a little introduction would seem appropriate.

I've played variety of games over the 20 years or so that I have been a gamer. Mostly it's been Games Workshop stuff and Dungeons and Dragons. I've often dropped in and out of playing, particularly when my son was born.I love throwing dice and strategising, much more than painting miniatures in fact. Because of this I've always tried to resist the tag of geek, and never really felt at home with the fandom that surrounds certain games. In addition, I never ever play to win. for me a game is a chance to meet friends, drink a beer and enjoy a chat, the game is a means to an end. Recently, I've got back into gaming after a pause when I got a little bored of the GW way of doing things, and their constant price hikes. I've decided that I can dump GW but not wargaming! So I will be trying some new things....

The first of these is WWII gaming. Historical gaming really appeals at the moment. Its a chance to immerse myself in history and throw some dice at the same time. For someone used to GW pricing it has come as quite a shock to find I can buy 10 WWII tanks for the price of one GW tank! After some deliberation, I will be playing the Rapid Fire! rule set.

The next game I will be playing is Urban War. Its a futuristic skirmish game based around a unique piece by piece order activation system. It has some of the coolest minis I have ever seen. I have decided to build a Syntha faction and I am waiting for the glue to dry as I type!

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